Traditional fisheries (TRAD)
The group is chaired by Nicolas Fernandez Muñoz (OPP72- Conil), vice-President : Francisco P. Rosa (VIANAPESCA – Portugal) The topics specific to artisanal fishing or to small-scale fishing are at the heart of its activity.

Pelagic species and ICCAT (PELA)
This group is chaired by Maria Jose Rico (FECOPPAS), vice-President : Serge Larzabal (CNPMEM- France) and is responsible for all stocks fished in the water column (tuna, anchovy, sardine, etc.). This group has supported all the decisions taken on the long-term management of anchovies in the Bay of Biscay.

Demersal and benthic species VIII and IX
This group is chaired by Serge Larzabal (CNPMEM), vice-President : Francisco Teijeira (Asso Armad. Marin – Spain) It deals with all questions relating to the setting of Fishing opportunities for important stocks (Sole, Hake, Angler) and their respective fishing methods (Technical measures).

Executive Committee (COMEX)
The SWWAC’s Executive Committee is chaired by Sergio Lopez (OPP BURELA), 1th vice-President : Humberto JORGE (ANOPCERCO)) According to the statutes, this working body is the entity that represents and manages SWWAC’s interests.